
Do Survival Tablets Work

Are Survival Tablets Worth the Investment? Weighing the Pros and Cons

While freeze-dried food packets are the most widely known and commonly used survival provisions for hikers, backpackers, skiers, and other outdoor enthusiasts, their drawbacks, such as requiring water, can sometimes leave people feeling unsafe or unprepared. Survival tablets are a great alternative to freeze-dried food packets because they work well in nearly all survival situations …

Are Survival Tablets Worth the Investment? Weighing the Pros and Cons Read More »

Bugging Out

Bugging Out: How to Stay Safe and Stay Sane in a Disaster Situation

Bugging out is a common term among preppers and people in the preparedness community. On its face, it’s a simple concept, leaving you home when there’s a disaster or emergency, but it’s much more complicated than that. Bugging out is when someone leaves their home because of an impending emergency or emergency that is already …

Bugging Out: How to Stay Safe and Stay Sane in a Disaster Situation Read More »