
Is Prepping Necessary

Prepper Myths Debunked: What You Need to Know Before Prepping

When you hear about survival, most people picture bleak realities where people constantly struggle with the threat of wild animals, starvation, and harsh climates. However, while we live in a world of plenty and tremendous technological progress, natural disasters such as earthquakes, wildfires, typhoons, and hurricanes are still a harsh reality in our modern concrete …

Prepper Myths Debunked: What You Need to Know Before Prepping Read More »

Can Humans Eat Dog Food for Survival

Could Dog Food be a Viable Option for Long-term Survival in a Crisis?

In times of crisis (economic or otherwise), humans are forced to think of creative, unorthodox ways of ensuring survival. As a prepper proactively thinking of an emergency’s plan B, you might wonder whether resorting to alternative food resources might come in handy in times of need. Since dogs comprise the most significant percentage of household …

Could Dog Food be a Viable Option for Long-term Survival in a Crisis? Read More »